Visual Composer #4508

State of the Baltic Sea  Start ReadingHeading Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed. The arrangement of type…

Policy frameworks

POLICY FRAMEWORKSHOLAS policy use In HELCOM, the holistic assessment provides a shared basis for following up on progress towards the objectives of the Baltic Sea Action Plan, facilitating the adaptive…

Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP)

MARITIME SPATIAL PLANNINGHow can maritime spatial planning support the Baltic Sea environment?Maritime spatial planning (MSP) is the spatial planning of activities at sea. The processes used in MSP involve a…

Protection and restoration

PROTECTION AND RESTORATIONSpatial protection and restoration as tools in conservationWhile reducing or preventing harmful inputs and minimizing pressures from human activities at sea are of key importance to ensure the broad recovery of species and…


SOLUTIONSThe health of the Baltic Sea ecosystem is under threat from the increasing effects of climate change and biodiversity degradation, catalysed by pollution, demands on land use, resource extraction and…

Spatial analyses

SPATIAL ANALYSES OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICESSpatial analyses of ecosystem services The status of the environment is directly linked to our use of the sea, which provides us with both direct and…

Baltic Sea pressure and impact indices

PRESSURE AND IMPACT INDICESSpatial analyses of pressures and impacts The SPIA tool used to assess the spatial distribution of pressures and impacts is highly versatile and can analyse any combination…


DISTRIBUTIONSpatial distributions of ecosystem components, human activities, pressures, impacts and ecosystem services The Baltic Sea is influenced by a range of pressures from human activities. In order improve its environmental…

Our activities at sea

OUR ACTIVITIES AT SEAPressures from activities at sea Several pressures on the Baltic Sea derive from our direct use of the sea and its resources. Extractive pressures are associated with…