
FISHThe status of fish For fish (Figure 3.8), only four out of fifteen commercial stocks in the Baltic Sea have good status on average during 2016-2021. Compared with the previous…

benthic habitats

BENTHIC HABITATSThe status of benthic habitats The status of benthic habitats (Figure 3.5) is assessed based on the status of soft-bottom macrofauna, shallow-water oxygen conditions, oxygen debt and the cumulative…

pelagic habitats

PELAGIC HABITATSThe status of pelagic habitats Pelagic habitats, including phytoplankton and zooplankton (Figure 3.2), do not have a good status in any of the fourteen open sea sub-basins assessed in…


FINDINGSThe state of the Baltic Sea ecosystem has not improved The knowledge base of this holistic assessment is more comprehensive than that of previous HELCOM assessments. Several uncertainties have been…

About the Baltic Sea

ABOUT THE BALTIC SEABiodiversity and the Baltic Sea The Baltic Sea is one of the largest brackish water areas in the world, with a surface area of 420,000 square kilometres.…


OVERVIEWAssessing Baltic Sea Ecosystem Health Achieving good ecosystem health is a core area of collaboration among countries bordering the Baltic Sea, which make up the Contracting Parties to HELCOM. Pressures…

Executive summary

EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe Baltic Sea has unique biodiversity The Baltic Sea has unique biodiversity, and people around the region depend on its ecosystem in ways that are not always directly apparent…

State of the Baltic Sea

State of the Baltic Sea 2023 How is the Baltic Sea ecosystem doing? The 2021 HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) includes measures that HELCOM countries have agreed on as highly…

HOLAS 3 products

HOLAS 3 PRODUCTSHELCOM holistic assessment is a compilation of knowledge products State of the Baltic Sea 2023 is a synthesis report that builds on, and integrates, results from a wide range…


REFERENCESReferencesDOWNLOAD REFERENCESAhtiainen H (2016) Benefits of reduced eutrophication: evidence from Finland, the Baltic Sea areas, and Europe for policy making. Natural Resources and Bioeconomy Studies 6:49. Ahtiainen H, T…