Visual Composer #4508
State of the Baltic Sea Start ReadingHeading Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed. The arrangement of type…
State of the Baltic Sea Start ReadingHeading Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed. The arrangement of type…
HOLAS 3 PRODUCTSHELCOM holistic assessment is a compilation of knowledge products State of the Baltic Sea 2023 is a synthesis report that builds on, and integrates, results from a wide range…
REFERENCESReferencesDOWNLOAD REFERENCESAhtiainen H (2016) Benefits of reduced eutrophication: evidence from Finland, the Baltic Sea areas, and Europe for policy making. Natural Resources and Bioeconomy Studies 6:49. Ahtiainen H, T…
MAPS & GRAPHSState of the Baltic Sea 2023 All the maps, figures, and photos from the State of the Baltic Sea 2023 summary report can be downloaded here.Executive SummaryFigure ES1.Summary…
RESOURCESHow to read the State of the Baltic Sea report The HELCOM holistic assessment is a multi-layered product representing varying levels of detail for each of the topics covered, and…
SOLUTIONSThe health of the Baltic Sea ecosystem is under threat from the increasing effects of climate change and biodiversity degradation, catalysed by pollution, demands on land use, resource extraction and…
PRESSURE AND IMPACT INDICESSpatial analyses of pressures and impacts The SPIA tool used to assess the spatial distribution of pressures and impacts is highly versatile and can analyse any combination…
DISTRIBUTIONSpatial distributions of ecosystem components, human activities, pressures, impacts and ecosystem services The Baltic Sea is influenced by a range of pressures from human activities. In order improve its environmental…
ECONOMIC IMPACTSEconomy and ecology The Baltic Sea countries benefit considerably from their utilization of the Baltic Sea, both economically and socially. Nine countries share the borders of the Baltic Sea,…
HUMAN ACTIVITIESHuman uses of the Baltic Sea A good biodiversity status and ecosystem functions are essential for human well-being in several ways. Primary producers and animals at different levels of…